Learn to Program with EV3 Robots
The "Learn to Program" workshop is used by Acadia Robotics when teaching beginners how to program. The session begins with an explanation of how to use the EV3 Lab and EV3 Classroom software to make the robot use a variety of sensors. "Free play" time is used in the workshop; allowing youth to explore programming in a fun environment. At the end of the session, there is a Show and Tell allowing them to show each other what they have learned.
Normally, Acadia Robotics runs this workshop over a one to one and a half hour period using pre-built robots. The workshop could easily be expanded into a two-day workshop that includes building the robots. We recommend two-four youth per robot to allow everyone the chance to program.
To allow educators to use this workshop in their classes or with a team, we have provided two scripts. One is for use with the EV3 Lab software. The other uses the new EV3 Classroom. Please contact Acadia Robotics for the sample code (jenna.watson-findley@acadiau.ca).
EV3 Lab Software Script, click here.
EV3 Classroom Software Script, click here.
Robot Parts (EV3), click here.
Slideshow, EV3 Classroom Visual Guide: Stop-on-Touch Program, click here.
Slideshow, EV3 Classroom Visual Guide: Line Follow, click here.