EV3 Classroom App BotteSumo Time Trial Workshop
Workshop elements provided by Acadia Robotics.
- IMAGE of Robot configuration for the workshop. Sensor and motor port configuration.
- LIST of sensors and ports for Robot Configuration.
- IMPORTANT: How to read the robot's sensors.
- EV3 Classroom coding blocks visual overview - provided by LEGO Education
Choose the programming skill you want to learn.
- Find the edge of the table with a single colour sensor.
- Find the edge with EITHER the left or the right colour sensor. Two colour sensors are required for this skill.
- Square robot to the edge of the table. This helps straighten up the robot to the edge of the table.
- Use ULTRASONIC Sensor to find the bottle.
- Push the bottle off the table.
- DON'T let your robot fall off the table with the bottle!
- Putting it all together - Simple BottleSUMO program.
MY BLOCKS - how to create reusable code to repeat sections of code easily.
Other resources:
EV3 Mindstorms User guide - LEGO Education
EV3 Mindstorms Coding Blocks Visual Overview - LEGO Education