2011-2012 Season Supporters
2011-2012 Season
2011-2012 Season winners:
The High School Competition:
- Champions Award: Awesome Inc. (14 Wing Greenwood)
- Judges' Award: C P Allen (Charles P Allen High School)
- Robot Design Award: Avon View (Avon View High School)
- Robot Performance-Can Sorting: J.E.B. (Horton High School)
- Robot Performance-Object Delivery: Mutated Machine (Horton High School)
- Robot Performance-Mystery Challenge: Spartans (Dartmouth High School)
- Teamwork: CK Gators (Central Kings High School)
The FIRST LEGO League:
- Champions 1st place: E.I.J. (Falcon Academy of Robotics)
- Champions 2nd place: KDS Germophobe Monsters (Kingston and District Elementary)
- Robot Performance: B.R.I.C.K.s (Falcon Academy of Robotics)
- Programming Award: Rotten to the Core (Independent)
- Mechanical Design Award: Robo Lobo Wired (Wolfville School)
- Strategy and Innovation: Knights (Prince Arthur Junior High)
- Inspiration: Narwhal Nerds (Second Bedford Pathfinders)
- Teamwork: ROBOmasters (Falcon Academy of Robotics)
- Gracious Professionalism: Lego Lords (Kings County Academy)
- Research: Babome (New Minas Elementary)
- Innovative Solution: Les Viperes (Centre Scolaire de la Rive Sud)
- Presentation Award: Nomadic Robot Consultant Society (New Ross Consolidated)
- Judges' Award: Muddy Porkchops (Mount Allison University)