Robofest Information

Thank you to those who joined us last season, or came to watch the fun unfold on February 18th, 2024!

Our 2024-2025 Junior and Senior Robofest Game Registration NOW OPEN!

Two divisions: Junior (grades 5-8) & Senior (grades 9-12)

2024-2025 Robofest Challenge
  • Acadia partners with Robofest on the Junior and Senior Game Competition only. The winning team(s) have the opportunity to move on to Robofest World Championship in Southfield, Michigan at the Lawrence Technological University Campus.
  • Acadia's Championship Competition will be offered in person on March 16, 2025
  • The Acadia Bottle Sumo fun event will be offered in Spring 2025 as a workshop (not during the March Robofest Game Competition)
  • The Acadia Robot Programming Competitions DOES NOT include Exhibition, Vision Centric Challenge, RoboParade, Global Robotic Arts Festival, or Unknown Mission Challenge, but if teams would like more information on any of those they can visit

The Deadline for Fee Payment to both Robofest and Acadia University is December 15th, 2024.

If you would like to be added to our contact list for the new season contact: Jenna Watson-Findley or Hannah Fisk

Register at Robofest       (Instructions available here)


The Jodrey school of Computer Science, at Acadia University, has partnered with ROBOFEST of Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan USA (2013-14) who have developed a programming challenge for middle-school and high school students, which tests their ability to develop algorithms to solve certain specific problems. This competition is open to students between grades 5-12. Teams will be asked to program their robots to meet challenges which are designed and setup by the Lawrence Technological University. The robot that performs the best, wins.


Rules for 2024-25 Season

OFFICIAL General Rules for Robofest (posted Sept. 28, 2024)

OFFICIAL GAME Rules US Kick Off (posted Sept. 28, 2024)

RULES BOTTLESUMO International Rules (posted Sept. 28, 2024).

NOTE: 2024-25 challenge is Robot Parking Valet

Robot Kits: Any robot kit can be used.  Any programming language can be used.


How to Start a New Robofest Team

There’s plenty of code out there on the web for your robots. This competition requires that all of the code in your robot unit be written by members of your team. After all, the point is to learn how to program the robots and to have fun using your imagination and the team's computer, logic, mathematic and engineering skills. No code can be used that is not written by a team member.

LEGO Education's guide on cleaning lego pieces and robots can be found here.