Funding Opportunities

While some teams are funded through their school board or have other revenue sources, it is a struggle to collect the necessary funds for others. The purpose of this page is to help teams identify possible funding sources.

Typical FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge team (ages 9 to 14) expenses are: 

FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge team registration* ($250 USD) ~$340 CDN
Shipping and handling of engineering notebook & (USD 32) ~$43 CDN
Robot kit - EV3 education set plus expansion set recommended plus shipping ONE TIME PURCHASE

$760 CDN

LEGO® Challenge Set $95 USD + Shipping

~$130 CDN

NSCC qualifier cost* (refundable) $100 CDN
Table (approximately) *not required but recommended ONE TIME PURCHASE $60 CDN


**FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams that qualify, the Championship registration cost is $175.

$1,433 CDN

*Note: In the case of qualifying events, FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams are asked to pay a refundable deposit. FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams that advance to the RPC Championship will have a (non-refundable registration cost of $175

**Note: Costs are higher for the FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge program than Robofest. FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams that qualify, the RPC Championship registration cost is $175.

FUNDING is available to help assist with team expenses. For more information on any of the options below, please email Jenna Watson-Findley at

Robot loans - contact Hannah Fisk:
Robots may be available through

The Acadia Robot Lending Library


Typical ROBOFEST team (grades 5-12) expenses are: 

Team registration on (USD 90) $122.00
Challenge supplies (varies year to year) $50.00
Competition table -standard folding table- ONE TIME PURCHASE $75.00
Acadia Championship $175.00

Total - first-year estimate

*estimate does NOT include robot kit




  • Michelin Support Grants
    Currently, all FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams who qualify, register, AND attend the Acadia Robotics Championship, receive a cheque from the Michelin Support Fund for $75.00


  • Robats Bursary: This bursary will provide full registration costs to one Senior Robofest Game team competing at the Acadia Robot Programming Competitions, at least 50% of whose teams members identify with any of the terms: women, nonbinary, and/or transgender. Precedence will be given to teams with financial need (i.e., no other sources of funding from a school or community), and who have been involved with community outreach and/or mentorship activities.

Since 2015, the Robats have provided an opportunity for students of underrepresented genders in technology to compete in Robofest at Acadia. Our team members and coaches have also provided outreach and mentorship to various groups in the Annapolis Valley, with the goals of sharing our passion for technology with younger students and diversifying the gender representation of students in technology. This bursary is an extension of theses outreach activities.

Teams who are interested in applying for the Robats Bursary will need to complete this form and submit it to  


  • Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) Travel Bursary                                      The EECD Travel Bursary is distributed through Acadia Robotics to help cover costs for Acadia Robotics Competition winning teams to attend world robotic competitions or other reputable international competitions as outlined in the criteria below: 

EECD Eligibility Criteria:

      • Teams must be comprised of public school students only. Community teams are eligible for funding; however, they must be made up solely of students who attend public school in Nova Scotia
      • The team coach is required to apply to Acadia Robotics for the EECD travel bursary. This application must include a list of team members and proof of school enrollment. More details available upon request. 

Fund Distribution:

FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge ($3,000)

    • $3,000 bursary awarded to the Champion 1st place team attending the World Robotics Competition or equivalent. 

Please Note: If the Champion 1st Place Team chooses not to attend the World Robotics Competition or is ineligible for the bursary, Acadia will offer the $3,000 bursary Champion 2nd Place Team if they meet the eligibility criteria above.  Grant is awarded only if travel is required for the event, and the team can produce receipts for the cost of their travel.

Robofest Robotics ($6,000) - Grant is awarded only if travel is required for the event, and the team can produce receipts for the cost of their travel.

    • $3,000 bursary awarded to the 1st Place (Game Competition) Senior Team attending an international Robotics Competition.
    • $3,000 bursary awarded to the 1st Place (Game Competition) Junior Team attending an international Robotics Competition