Robot Lending Library
Priority is given to registered teams with FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge or Robofest.
Our Lending Library has SPIKE PRIME, EV3, & NXT Robot Kits. We continue to update our Robot Lending Library List. If you are interested in requesting a loaner Robot, please read below.
On March 25, 2011 Senator Kelvin Ogilvie announced the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency support for the Nova Scotia Robot Lending Library. Initiated by Acadia University, this project will see 60 NXT LEGO Mindstorms robots distributed to community groups and classrooms across the province. This project is a joint effort of several organizations working together - Nova Scotia community College (six campuses), Imhotep's Legacy Academy, Techsploration and the Nova Scotia Department of Education.
We are grateful to ACOA, NSCC, Michelin, and Nova Scotia Economic and Rural Development and Tourism for their support for this project.
In 2015-16, we received funding from Nova Scotia Business INC. (NSBI) and The Ministry of Education & Early Childhood Development (EECD) to purchase new, EV3 Robot Kits. We greatly appreciate their financial support.
What groups are eligible to "borrow" a robot?
Competition Teams in FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge and Robofest are given priority and any community or school group that has a youth leader willing to:
- commit to using the robots to teach about science and technology
- Take good care of the robot
- Complete a Mentor Survey and a Youth Survey after each year of use
- Train a minimum of 3 students
- Sign a Memorandum of Understanding
This could be a school class or a 4H group or a Girl Guide group, or simply a group of interested parents.
How long can we "borrow" the robot?
Groups may have a "robot loan" for one year. At the end of the year, the group (leader and students) must complete surveys of robot use. Based on an indication of ongoing use, the robot loan period may be extended for an additional year.
How do I apply for a robot?
Send an email to stating:
- What "organization" you represent
- Your full location, including county
- The name of the person to be trained
- Your contact number and email address
- The group of students who will be trained
Applicants will be connected to a "Distributing Organization" in their area. Each "Distributing Organization" will work with potential youth mentors in their area, providing training materials and a point of reference for the groups of youth using the robots.
How many robots are available?
There are currently 82 robots in the "lending pool". These are distributed throughout the Province of Nova Scotia. If there is indication that a robot isn't being used for working with youth as intended, then the robot will be returned to the Distributing Organization to be given to a waiting group of youth.
Are we obliged to participate in competitions?
There is no obligation to participate in the competitions, but there must be evidence of continuing use in some fashion. Competing teams have priority in receiving a Robot Kit Loan.